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* 학술대회자료 만약 학술대회때 발표를 하셨으나 자료실에 없는 것은 저자분이 학회로 제출하지 않은 논문입니다.
· 자료구분 |
학술대회 자료 |
· 년도 |
2010년 |
· 자료명 |
2010 춘계 - 노승용(서울여대) Digital Governance and Trust in Governmnet |
· 저자 |
학회 |
· 첨부파일 |
2010춘계논문_06노승용.pdf (파일크기: 592.8K, 다운로드 수 : 78)
· 내용 |
Two types of government deficit, namely the “budget deficit” and the “trust deficit,” are terms we hear frequently. Of those two types of deficit, citizens’ perception of trust in government has decreased in a large number of democratic countries throughout the world (Cisneros and Parr, 1990: 408-413; Gore, 1994: 645-649; Greider, 1992; Lipset and Schneider, 1983; Miller 1974; Nye, 1997: 1-2; Norris, 1999).
Most developed democracies are experiencing a collapse of confidence in traditional models of democratic governance. Traditional structures and cultures of policy formation and decision-making are perceived as being remote from ordinary citizens. There is a pervasive contemporary separation between citizens and government that is manifested in almost every Western country by falling voter turnout, lower levels of public participation in civic life, and public cynicism towards political institutions and parties (Berman, 1997: 105-112; Erber and Lau, 1990: 235-253).
In addition, since healthy democratic governance depends upon trust among actors such as elected officials, public administrators, and citizens, researchers in the fields of political science and public administration have continually focused on the issues regarding trust in government. Historically, Plato, in his book, Republic, indicated that the mutual trust among actors in a political realm is fundamental, and Aristotle, in his book, Politics, argued that tyrants are a source of distrust. In contemporary political science, in particular, since the 1950s, researchers have focused on the decline of trust in government, its causes, and the ways to restore it. They, however, have paid little attention to the systematic and empirical approach of trust in government, in particular the relationship between citizen-government interaction and trust in government.
In the rapid development of ICTs, however, traditional models of representation have come under pressure to change. ICTs have the potential to facilitate a more direct interaction between citizens and government along with the development of a digital democracy (Becker, 2004: 61; Becker and Slaton, 2000). The Internet and the World Wide Web make this a viable next step in our democracy. Casting one’s vote on the Internet, attending Congressional hearings or City Council meetings via the Web, instant public opinion polls, interactive candidate debates, and easy public access to government data are but a few of the potential outcomes.
In this context, this study starts with questions: Why does trust deficit exist? How can it be restored? To answer these questions, this study has an emphasis on the role of ICTs. Specifically, this study explores the effects of digital governance from the citizen-government interaction perspective on trust in government.
(위 논문의 서론에서 발췌함) |
현대사회와 행정 ISSN 1229-389X (Print), ISSN 2713-6302 (Online)
등록자료 99건